
We offer high-quality geuze at an affordable price:We measure, test, and taste our lambic and geuze throughout the entire process. Only when we are 100% satisfied do we bring our product to the market.

  • Measuring: We monitor our beer throughout the fermentation and aging process, measuring various parameters. From purchasing the wort to checking the temperature and humidity in the barrel rooms, monitoring the barrels, bottling, and more. All of this to ensure the optimal conditions for the beer and to learn what happens.
  • Testing: To ensure quality, we test the geuze blends before bottling them on a larger scale. Currently, we are conducting various flavor experiments to produce and offer the best and highest-quality geuze to our customers.
  • Tasting: The ultimate evaluation (and the most enjoyable) is tasting. From blending the blends, tasting each barrel before adding it to the blend, to tasting the test bottlings and eventually the Oude Geuze Ambreus. Throughout the entire process, we taste and document our lambics and geuze to bring out the right flavor profile.

Innovation & craft

We focus on achieving the perfect balance between Craftsmanship and Innovation: We are constantly engaged in innovation and experimenting with new techniques in our process. However, we always do this with an eye on and deep appreciation for the traditional craft of geuze.

  • Innovation: We strive to apply the most advanced techniques and are constantly searching for new approaches. This not only means exploring new technologies but also discovering other traditions and crafts, such as those in the wine industry or with West-Flemish Old Brown. For example, we have adopted a technique from the wine industry for stacking our barrels.

  • Craftsmanship: While we are constantly innovating, we deeply respect the traditional craft of geuze. Brewing lambic and geuze is an ancient tradition, and through our Stokerij, we aim to contribute to its continuation. During our development process, we are happy to question traditional methods to learn and understand, but always with respect and humility.


We aim for sustainability:
We are committed to being a company that generates no CO2 emissions and has a positive impact on the world, while contributing to the promotion of a circular economy.

  • CO2-neutral: As a company, we choose green energy suppliers to minimize our ecological footprint. Additionally, we plan to collaborate with treesforall in 2024, an organization that plants and maintains trees to offset CO2 emissions.
  • Circular society: We do our part by sorting and recycling waste, as any responsible company should. Moreover, most of our devices are electric, avoiding the use of fossil fuels. We actively seek alternative and biodegradable materials to replace plastics and other environmentally harmful substances.
  • Plans for the future: As a startup, we may have limited resources, but we are determined to continue on the path of sustainability. We plan to install solar panels, replace our Karcher with an electric model, and accurately map our footprint to offset it.


We are involved in our community:
We cherish our local connections by collaborating with neighborhood shops and local businesses. We also support other gueuze initiatives and warmly welcome beer enthusiasts and neighbors to our brewery.

  • Local engagement: We aim for close collaborations with local entrepreneurs, not only for business purposes but also for sharing knowledge and information with other gueuze producers.
  • Gueuze initiatives: We actively participate in gueuze projects, experimenting with new flavors and methods to contribute to the growth of gueuze culture, something we aim to further develop in the future.
  • Building community together: We open our doors to family, friends, neighbors, and beer enthusiasts, who also assist us at every step of our process. We enjoy inviting people to explore our brewery and share the passion for beer with us.